vrijdag 13 december 2013


  When you remove colour from an image you can no longer rely on it to provide interest or a focal point in a scene.
We also remove one of the most potentially distracting elements in a photo.

 Look beyond the colours in a scene and instead focus your attention on the shapes

Without differences in colour to separate elements in your scene, you must instead introduce contrasting shades into your black and white photos.

Many patterns, particularly subtle ones, often go unnoticed in colour photos, because the colours draw attention away from the pattern itself

When we see a colour photo, our mind immediately begins to identify and label the elements in the scene, meaning that we often do not really "see" the photo
When we photograph in black and white, the mind no longer has that colour information to work with, and so pays more attention to elements such as texture, making them appear much more prominent

Lighting is absolutely key to a good black and white photograph because it affects all of the above elements - shape, contrast, pattern and texture.
When thinking about your lighting, consider how it will influence all of these factors, and choose a setup that enhances as many as possible.

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